USA-Africa Summit: " Africa is a major destination for carbon credit"- Alex Kruzel- Telesto Strategy
Parallel to the United States-Africa summit, which took place from Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th December in Washington, Telesto strategy, led by Alex Kruzel, organized a side event to help, structure partnerships and encourage, among other things, energy transition in Africa through the carbon market. In “Your Voice” with Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache, she disscusses the outcome of this side event and answers, questions about African entrepreneurs’ challenges to adapt to climate change.
Houmi Ahamed est une journaliste française née en 1976 et élevée en France, marquée par une année d'études en Afrique du Sud. Elle obtient ainsi un master en journalisme en 2001. Houmi anime le podcast "Your Voice".
Houmi Ahamed is a french journalist born in 1976 and raised in France. She studied journalism one year in South Africa in 2001 . She hosts the podcast "Your Voice".