USA-Africa Summit:  » I am an open- minded person »- Omar Bah

USA-Africa Summit: " I am an open- minded person »- Omar Bah

In parallel to the USA-Africa summit held in Washington from 13 to 15 December 2022, Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache spoke with Omar Bah, a doctor of psychology and former journalist in The Gambia. Having been a refugee in the United States of America 15 years ago, he has been a citizen for 10 years and lives in Rhode Island. Dr Bah ran for Congress this year to become a congressman. During the interview, he discussed his career and his ambitions for Africa and the United States of America. While, he was not in the summit, he gave his thoughts. Omar Bah is the  founder of Refugee Dream Center in Providence in Rhode Island . It aims to provide post-resettlement support to refugees. Listen to the podcast Your Voice with Omar Bah.

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Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache est une journaliste franco-comorienne née à Marseille en 1976. Elle grandit à Sarcelles dans la banlieue nord de Paris et y vit pendant une vingtaine d'années. Elle s'installe par la suite à Paris durant 14 ans et quitte la capitale française pour les Comores en 2018. Journaliste chevronnée, elle créé en 2018, une entreprise de presse ERA ENVIRONNEMENT SARL et une radio spécialisée soutenue par l'UNESCO. Elle revient en France en 2020. Basée dorénavant à Nancy dans l’Est de la France, elle anime le podcast "Your Voice" et envisage de revenir sur Paris.
Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache is a French journalist, born in Marseille in 1976, living 23 years in the north Parisian suburb known as Sarcelles then 14 years in Paris . As a veteran journalist, she then traveled to Comoros and establishes a company, ERA ENVIRONNEMENT SARL. Back to France in 2020. She is now based in Nancy in the eastern of France. She hosts the podcast "Your Voice".

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