Global Forest Summit: Edward Barbier thoughts on Nature Based Solutions
Edward Barbier is a university distinguished professor in the department of economics at Colorado in the United Sates of America. His main expertise is based on environmental and resource economics, international environmental policies, nature, biodiversity.
Ahead, of the ongoing Global Forest Summit, Professor Barbier gave his view on many aspects involved on Nature Based Solutions. Edward Barbier wrote 25 books on ennvironmental resource economics and he is the author of a new book » Economics for a fragile planet », just realeased early this year. With « Your Voice », the sustainable development podcast with Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache, he also underlined solutions raised in this new book.
Houmi Ahamed est une journaliste française née en 1976 et élevée en France, marquée par une année d'études en Afrique du Sud. Elle obtient ainsi un master en journalisme en 2001. Houmi anime le podcast "Your Voice".
Houmi Ahamed is a french journalist born in 1976 and raised in France. She studied journalism one year in South Africa in 2001 . She hosts the podcast "Your Voice".