COP 28: "The solutions given by the youth must be taken into consideration"- Ghenwa Kataya (Young Researcher from Lebanon)
Ghenwa Kataya is a 27 young researcher, a PHD student at the University of Lebanon. She devotes her studies to charcoal production. Co-author of two researches , Kataya shows the benefits of Coffee Residue Waste and the potential of the Potential of Banana Peels Biochar. According to studies, biochar is seen as a way to fight global warming.
Ghenwa Kataya is working in close collaboration with municipalities in Lebanon to explain to farmers the benefits of organic waste treatment for charcoal production. On radio Era Environnement, « Your Voice », she describes her research, her relationship with farmers, her awareness raising, her projects with the youth in the middle east.
Listen to Your Voice With Ghenwa Kataya-By Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache
Houmi Ahamed est une journaliste française née en 1976 et élevée en France, marquée par une année d'études en Afrique du Sud. Elle obtient ainsi un master en journalisme en 2001. Houmi anime le podcast "Your Voice".
Houmi Ahamed is a french journalist born in 1976 and raised in France. She studied journalism one year in South Africa in 2001 . She hosts the podcast "Your Voice".