COP 26- Climate Finance: " We are not really in the text"- Washington Zakata
By Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache
The UNFCCC focal point of Zimbabwe, Washington Zakata, gave his view on the Glasgow Climate Pact and beyond COP 26. In an interview with Radio Era Environnement on the 14th of November, in Glasgow airport, on his way to Zimbabbwe, the african negotiatot went through many subjects linked to adaptation, mitigation, climate finance, loss and damage and the role of youth in the fight against climate change.
Houmi Ahamed est une journaliste française née en 1976 et élevée en France, marquée par une année d'études en Afrique du Sud. Elle obtient ainsi un master en journalisme en 2001. Houmi anime le podcast "Your Voice".
Houmi Ahamed is a french journalist born in 1976 and raised in France. She studied journalism one year in South Africa in 2001 . She hosts the podcast "Your Voice".