COP 22- Climate Change: to promote youth Empowerment
By Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache
South Africa hosted the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban in 2011 . The outcome in the South African coastal city has left the world with some serious and urgent challenges: implementing the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, the Bali Action Plan and the Cancun Agreements. Parties even decided at that time to adopt an universal legal agreement on climate change by the end of 2015. But concerned were raised among developing countries regarding the climate finance. In Copenhagen in 2009 and in Cancún in 2010, developed countries committed to jointly raising $100 billion per year by 2020 to help developing countries fighting climate change. One of the sources of this climate finance needed was the UN Green Climate fund.
Five years later, the Green Climate Fund has raised USD 10.3 billion equivalent in pledges from 43 state governments. Financing climate change is still a big issue especially for adaptation. According to the 2015 report of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the costs of the climate adaptation for sub-saharan Africa is estimated to $67bn by 2050. The Paris agreement adopted in Paris by 195 parties, signed in New York by 179 countries and ratified only by 22 countries can be an opportunity for the youth to eradicate poverty in the developing countries with all the tools mention in the text, some experts believe. Ahead of COP 22 ( a COP of action as announced by the Moroccan presidency) and before the Second African Youth Conference on Climate Change (AfriYOCC) from the 10 to 13 October 2016, introduces you to the young people who are fighting against climate change and who want to eradicate poverty in the world.
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COP 22- Climate Change: to promote youth Empowerment
Story publised on 1 september 2016