COP 28: « There is now an urgent need for sustainable energy solutions in the country » Reine Metlej (Lebanon)

COP 28: "There is now an urgent need for sustainable energy solutions in the country" Reine Metlej (Lebanon)

In a 127-page report published by Human Rights Watch last March, entitled “Cut Off from Life Itself”, the human rights organization says it is important to have access to energy, because it is essential to almost every aspect of life and participation in today’s societies. The organization also stresses that the right to an adequate standard of living, protected internationally, includes the right of all, without discrimination, to adequate, reliable, safe, clean, accessible and affordable electricity. Human Right Watch reports that the Lebanese government only provides electricity for an average of one to three hours a day, while people who can afford it supplement that supply with private generators.

In this context of the energy crisis that has persisted for some years in this country and in other countries in the world, a young woman from a rural environment in Lebanon, Reine Metlej, 26, has in recent years been presenting two start-up projects related to access to energy, waste management and new technologies. These projects are about to be implemented.

On the podcast, Your Voice with Reine Metlej, Radio Era Environnement looks back at the origin of the projects presented by the young woman, her background, ambitions, know-how, limits and determination. Reine Metlej also responds to the challenges of the Middle East on the issue of the use of fossil fuels and sheds light on the energy diversification policy of the countries of the region. She also gives her perspective on the place and role of youth and women in the region on climate action opportunities. The young woman will be present at COP 28 this year in the United Arab Emirates.
Listen to the podcast « Your Voice with Reine Metlej ». Interview by Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache

Reine Metlej
Reine Metlej, founder and director of Biowayste in Lebanon
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Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache est une journaliste française née à Marseille en 1976. Elle grandit à Sarcelles dans la banlieue nord de Paris et y vit pendant une vingtaine d'années. Elle s'installe par la suite à Paris durant 14 ans et quitte la capitale française pour les Comores en 2018. Journaliste chevronnée, elle créé en 2018, une entreprise de presse ERA ENVIRONNEMENT SARL et une radio spécialisée soutenue par l'UNESCO. Elle revient en France en 2020. Basée dorénavant à Nancy dans l’Est de la France, elle anime le podcast "Your Voice" et envisage de revenir sur Paris.
Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache is a French journalist, born in Marseille in 1976, living 23 years in the north Parisian suburb known as Sarcelles then 14 years in Paris . As a veteran journalist, she then traveled to Comoros and establishes a company, ERA ENVIRONNEMENT SARL. Back to France in 2020. She is now based in Nancy in the eastern of France. She hosts the podcast "Your Voice".

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